Choral Corner #35: Why doesn't our choir sing famous Orthodox concert music?
Choral Corner #30: About the ending of the Lord's Prayer — "evil one" or just "evil"?
Choral Corner #12: What does the word "Alleluia" actually mean?
Choral Corner #9: Why is “It is Truly Meet” occasionally replaced with another hymn?
Choral Corner #8: What is a troparion?
Choral Corner #7: What does the choir sing during clergy Communion, and why does it change so much?
Choral Corner #6: Why Don't All Orthodox Use a Single Tonal System?
Choral Corner #5: What is a tone?
Choral Corner #4: What is a prokeimenon?
Choral Corner #3: Why do Orthodox choirs need to rehearse? Everyone knows the tones by heart.
Choral Corner #2: What about the artificial instruments mentioned in the Psalms?
Choral Corner #1: Why are there no instruments in Orthodox liturgical music?